Dirty Harry

Production year: 1971

Action R   Running time: 1:42 

IMDB rating:   7.8     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch. Finnish, Italian, German, Norwegian, Swedish;  Audio: DD 5.1

Whether or not you can sympathize with its fascistic/vigilante approach to law enforcement, Dirty Harry (directed by star Clint Eastwood's longtime friend and directorial mentor, Don Siegel) is one hell of a cop thriller. The movie makes evocative use of its San Francisco locations as cop Harry Callahan (Eastwood) tracks the elusive "Scorpio killer" who has been terrorizing the city by the Bay. As the psychopath's trail grows hotter, Harry becomes increasingly impatient and intolerant of the frustrating obstacles (departmental red tape, individuals' civil rights) that he feels are keeping him from doing his job. A characteristically taut and tense piece of filmmaking from Siegel (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Shootist, Escape from Alcatraz), it also remains a fascinating slice of American pop culture. It was a big hit (followed by four sequels) that obviously reflected--or exploited--the almost obsessive or paranoid fears and frustrations many Americans felt about crime in the streets. At a time when "law and order" was a familiar slogan for political candidates, Harry Callahan may have represented neither, but from his point of view his job was simple: stop criminals. To him that end justified any means he deemed necessary.



Audio commentary
Production notes
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

30th Anniversary Documentary "Dirty Harry: The Original"
1971 Behind-The-Scenes Documentary "Dirty Harry's Way"
Interview Gallery
Commentary by Historian/Eastwood Biographer Richard Schickel
American Masters Profile: Clint Eastwood: Out Of The Shadows
Vintage Profile: Clint Eastwood: The Man From Malpaso
The Long Shadow Of Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry Trailers Gallery


Dirty Harry