
Production year: 2003

Horror R   Running time: 1:38 

IMDB rating:   5.8     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: DD 5.1

The title of Gothika prepares you for a spooky, atmospheric thriller with an emphasis on supernatural mystery. The best way to appreciate the movie itself is to understand that it's a waking nightmare that needn't make sense in the realm of sanity. Making a flashy Hollywood debut after his superior 2000 thriller Crimson Rivers, French actor-director Mathieu Kassovitz pours on the dark and stormy atmosphere, trapping a competent psychologist (Halle Berry) in the prison ward where she treated inmates (including Penelope Cruz) until she was committed for killing her husband (Charles S. Dutton), who was also her boss. Did a car crash cause her to suffer ghostly delusions, or is a young girl--dead for four years--sending clues from beyond the grave? Berry has to prove her innocence while Kassovitz keeps everything--including the viewer and costar Robert Downey Jr. (as Berry's colleague)--in the dark about just where the nonsensical plot is leading. There's a better movie in here somewhere, among the catwalks and crannies of the impressive prison-castle setting, and Berry gives 100% in a performance that's consistent with the movie's overwrought tone.


Audio commentary
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Commentary by Director Matheiu Kassovitz and Director of Photography Matthew Libatique
Limp Bizkit "Behind Blue Eyes" Music Video
2 Documentaries: On The Set Of Gothika and Painting With Fire
Catch Halle Berry Getting Punk'd
Groove to MTV's The Making Of Behind Blue Eyes Music Video
Enter Woodward Penitentiary, Visit Dr. Grey's Office, Tour the Infamous Psych Ward and Review Inmate Case Files

