Memoirs Of An Invisible Man

Production year: 1992

Comedy PG-13   Running time: 1:39 

IMDB rating:   5.9     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: DD Stereo

Chevy Chase and Darryl Hannah star in, and John (Halloween) Carpenter directs a lighthearted adventure: a Wall Street analyst becomes invisible after a lab accident, leading to complications both comic and romantic. Chevy Chase plays a investment banker who gets exposed to fusion energy and becomes invisable. Daryl Hannah plays a TV/film maker who discovers what happened to him, and falls in love with him (the romance is actually honest, and not cliched). There are some good ILM effects work and the ending is not a tragic one - it's a comedy with a bit of heart.



Gag Reel/Bloopers/Outtakes
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

"How To Become Invisible: The Dawn Of Digital FX" Visual Effects Featurette
Theatrical Trailer


Memoirs Of An Invisible Man