A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy

Production year: 1982

Woody Allen PG   Running time: 1:28 

IMDB rating:   6.7     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: Mono

In A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, Woody Allen mixes Shakespeare, Ingmar Bergman, and the music and art of the turn of the century. Allen plays Andrew, an inventor, whose listless marriage to Adrian (Mary Steenburgen) has lost all erotic zip. He welcomes two pairs of friends to his country home: college professor Leopold (Jose Ferrer) and his fiance Ariel (Mia Farrow), and dentist Maxwell (Tony Roberts) and his suffragette nurse Dulcy (Julie Hagerty). Before long, everyone's lusting after everyone else's partner, and the plot twists and turns to a happy and magical conclusion. It's a light and airy film, perhaps a deliberate break from Allen's previous production, the caustic Stardust Memories; but the tone may also be due to his new relationship with Farrow, who went on to star in Allen's films for the next 10 years.



Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Isolated Score Track



A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy