Night Creatures

Production year: 1962

Horror PG-13   Running time: 1:20 

IMDB rating:   6.9     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: DD 2.0

Night Creatures is a Peter Cushing period piece that was retitled for the US market from "Captain Clegg". Cushing plays the vicar in a town full of smugglers. Clegg was a pirate in the region who was ultimately caught, executed and buried in the town. Using "marsh phantoms" to scare away those who might be interested in their smuggling activities, the town is investigated when a man who had betrayed Clegg is found by the King's Navy. This mute brute (Clegg had his tongue cut out for trying to rape the Captain's wife and for betraying him)leads the King's men to the town where it is suspected that Clegg might be alive and still in action after all. A well written period adventure, Cushing is marvelous as the vicar and a young Oliver Reed does a nice supporting turn in the film as well.



Night Creatures