North Dallas Forty

Production year: 1979

Drama R   Running time: 1:58 

IMDB rating:   7.0     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English;  Audio: DD 5.1

Nick Nolte stars in this brutally honest entertainment about one man's rebellion against the bureaucratic, manipulative world of professional football. Based on the popular novel by former Dallas Cowboy Peter Gent, North Dallas Forty depicts Nolte as an aging ballplayer who, through a woman he meets (Dayle Haddon), is drawn away from the masculine, violent world in which he has lived so long. In doing so, he finds himself at odds with the team's management. The excitement, humor and drama of North Dallas Forty is heightened by its meticulous attention to the details of a football player's private and public life and its authenticity on the playing field.



Audio commentary
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Audio commentary by filmmaker / film historian Daniel Kremer and screenwriter Daniel Waters, with the film's director Ted Kotcheff
Introduction by director Ted Kotcheff
Hit Me With Those Best Shots: Ted Kotcheff Remembers North Dallas Forty
Looking to Get Out: A Comparative Analysis of the Ted Kotcheff Vision - video essay


North Dallas Forty