The Rebel

Production year: 2006

Action R   Running time: 1:43 

IMDB rating:   7.1     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Vietnamese;  Subtitles: French, Spanish;  Audio: DD 5.1

A fast-paced, beautifully executed film, The Rebel works hard at being an epic martial arts picture set in 1920's French-occupied Vietnam. While that may sound like a bit much, director Truc Charlie Nguyen does a formidable job creating a plausible scenario with some awesome fighting sequences. While not quite epic, the film is spot on as an action thriller. Johnny Tri Nguyen--who was a stunt double in the Spider-Man movies and impressed fans with his performance in The Protector--stars as Le Van Cuong, a deadly double agent who battles both the French and his evil, power hungry boss Sy, played by Dustin Nguyen (21 Jump Street), who we're accustomed to seeing in sympathetic roles. Sy is one of those cinematic creations who is seemingly indestructible. No matter what is thrown at him, he gets right back up to cause more havoc and Dustin Nguyen is up to the task of playing the sadistic part. Ranked as the biggest Vietnamese film when it was released theatrically in 2006, The Rebel delivers meticulous choreographed fight scenes that show off the martial arts skills of the Nguyens (not related), as well as their female lead Veronica Ngo. Like Oxide and Danny Pang's breakthrough 1999 motion picture Bangkok Dangerous, which helped put Thai films on the cinematic map, The Rebel is helping to put the spotlight on Vietnamese films. This DVD includes the original Vietnamese version (with English subtitles) as well as an English version (the bilingual lead actors dubbed their own voices).



Audio commentary
Deleted/extended scenes
Photo gallery

Special features

Commentary by Stars Johnny Tri Nguyen, Veronica Ngo, Dustin Tri Nguyen and Asian Cinema Expert Bey Logan
Empty Hand, Noble Heart: An Exclusive Interview With Leading Man Johnny Tri Nguyen
Cry For Freedom: An Exclusive Interview With Leading Lady Veronica Ngo
The Dark Destroyer: An Exclusive Interview With Leading Protagonist Dustin Tri Nguyen
One Man Army: A Martial Arts Demonstration By Johnny Tri Nguyen
Iron Jacket: A Deleted Scene From The Preview Cut Of The Rebel
The Rebel: An Original Making Of Featurette
Behind-The-Scenes Gallery


The Rebel