Rock Of Ages

Production year: 2012

Musical PG-13   Running time: 2:03 

IMDB rating:   5.9     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English;  Audio: DD 5.1

Anyone with great affection for '80s big-hair bands (Journey, Pat Benatar, Foreigner, and the rest) will be doing a lot of head-bopping to Rock of Ages, the film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical. Director Adam Shankman (Hairspray) has assembled a winning cast to tell the story of an aging rock legend, Stacee Jaxx (played with deadpan aplomb by Tom Cruise), against the I-wanna-be-a-star yearnings of a newbie, Sherrie (Julianne Hough). There's not much of a plot, but the music is really the star, as well as the great supporting roles played by Catherine Zeta-Jones (Patricia, a belter with style), Paul Giamatti (Paul, a jaundiced rock promoter apparently intent on quashing everyone's dreams), Mary J. Blige (Justice, the owner of a strip club), and Alec Baldwin, whose Dennis is a rawk-on club owner and head-banger from way back. Everyone in the cast looks like they're having a blast, and that feeling is contagious, especially if you love the music. Some parts of Rock of Ages don't seem to know if they are supposed to be played in earnest or ironically, but in the end, it doesn't matter. And Cruise, though his part is small, seems to be channeling late-era Axl Rose in a performance that's a little unnerving, yet hilarious. Rock of Ages appeals to the rocker in us all. Don't stop believing'!




Special features

If You Build It, They Will Rock It - A Look At The Historical Significance OF The Real Sunset Strip Clubs In The '80s
Any Way You Want It Music Featurette - Featuring Mary J. Blige, Constantine Maroulis and Julianne Houg
Def Leppard: Live At The Premiere
Defining A Decade
The Stories We Sing
Rock Of Ages: Legends Of The Sunset Strip


Rock Of Ages