The Scarlet Letter

Production year: 1995

Drama R   Running time: 2:15 

IMDB rating:   5.3     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English;  Audio: DD 5.1

Sexy Demi Moore heats up this powerfully sensual story of illicit love! In a time when adultery is punishable by death, Hester Prynne (Moore) becomes involved in a risky and scandalous affair with her town's handsome minister (Gary Oldman). But when their secret passion results in a child, Hester is confronted with the town's overwhelming scorn - and is condemned to forever wear the scarlet letter "A" as a public brand of shame! A highly provocative retelling of the classic tale of forbidden love, The Scarlet Letter combines a sizzling story with exciting stars and delivers must-see entertainment.



Date viewed

Nov 2024
The Scarlet Letter