Snakes On A Plane

Production year: 2006

Thriller R   Running time: 1:46 

IMDB rating:   5.6     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English, Spanish;  Audio: DD 5.1

Snakes on a Plane knows exactly what kind of movie it is, knows exactly what moviegoers expect from a title like Snakes on a Plane, and delivers the exact pleasures of a movie in which poisonous snakes are unleashed on a plane to kill an eyewitness to murder. Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction, The Long Kiss Goodnight) knows exactly what he's doing in this movie and knows exactly when to pull out the superbad Samuel L. Jackson stare and deliver the infuriated Samuel L. Jackson bellow. The rest of the cast--including Julianna Margulies (ER), Rachel Blanchard (the TV series Clueless), Kenan Thompson (Fat Albert), David Koechner (Anchorman), Bobby Canavale (The Station Agent), and Sunny Mabrey (One Last Thing...)--play their parts with admirably straight faces and deadpan humor. Director David R. Ellis (Final Destination 2, Cellular) gives the movie the much-needed headlong momentum you would expect from a former stunt coordinator. In summation: A perfect piece of self-aware but not self-conscious high camp entertainment, blending comedy and thrills in perfect proportion.



Audio commentary
Deleted/extended scenes
Gag Reel/Bloopers/Outtakes
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Music Video (Includes Behind-the-Scenes) - "Snakes On A Plane (Bring It)"
Commentary by Samuel L. Jackson, Director David R. Ellis and Others
Featurettes: Pure Venom: The Making of Snakes On A Plane, Snakes on a Blog Fan Reel, Meet The Reptiles, Visual Effects


Snakes On A Plane