THX 1138

Production year: 1970

Science Fiction PG   Running time: 1:28 

IMDB rating:   6.8     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: DD 5.1

George Lucas's fascinating, almost art-house, film just took a quantum leap into the digital future. Never has the world of THX 1138 looked as bright, clear, and antiseptic as it does on this remastered version. It is equally impressive how far Lucas and the camera crew push the widescreen 2.35 aspect ratio, particularly on a film that emphasizes minimalism. For those that fault the film as being "soundless," prepare yourself for a shock. The new "THX enhanced" THX 1138 sports a newly remastered DTS audio track that enhances every wonderfully subtle, ambient sound of Lalo Schifrin's soundscape. Complaints are likely to be aimed at the restoration. As many assumed, the newly restored (and retitled) THX 1138: The George Lucas Director's Cut underwent a few CGI alterations. In one aspect, the computer graphics are stunning, they're not excessive, and they don't take anything away from the film's storyline. In some aspects the CGI scenes bridge some empty gaps. However, the modern effects do look a little out of place in comparison with the rest of the film. Though a futuristic sci-fi film, THX 1138 is still very '70s in its look and feel.



Audio commentary
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Audio Commentary By Co-Writer/Director George Lucas and Co-Writer/Sound Editor, Walter Murch
A Legacy Of Filmmakers: The Early Years Of American Zoetrope Documentary
Theatre Of Noise Experience: Isolated Music and Sound Effects Track With Master Sessions, branching Video Segments Showcasing Murch's Pioneering Work
Artifact From The Future: Making Of Featurette
Bald Featurette
Electric Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB George Lucas's Original Student Film


THX 1138