Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea

Production year: 1961

Science Fiction PG   Running time: 1:45 

IMDB rating:   6.1     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English, Spanish;  Audio: DD Surr.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea gets a dose of On the Beach in Irwin Allen's visually impressive but scientifically silly Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. While the Seaview, the world's most advanced experimental submarine, maneuvers under the North Pole, the Van Allen radiation belt catches fire, giving the concept "global warming" an entirely new dimension. As the Earth broils in temperatures approaching 170 degrees†F, Walter Pidgeon's maniacally driven Admiral Nelson hijacks the Seaview and plays tag with the world's combined naval forces on a race to the South Pacific, where he plans to extinguish the interstellar fire with a well-placed nuclear missile. But first he has to fight a mutinous crew, an alarmingly effective saboteur, not one but two giant squid attacks, and a host of design flaws that nearly cripple the mission (note to Nelson: think backup generators). Barbara Eden shimmies to Frankie Avalon's trumpet solos in the most formfitting naval uniform you've ever seen, fish-loving Peter Lorre plays in the shark tank, gloomy religious fanatic Michael Ansara preaches Armageddon, and Joan Fontaine looks very uncomfortable playing an armchair psychoanalyst. It's all pretty absurd, but Allen pumps it up with larger-than-life spectacle and lovely miniature work.



Audio commentary
Photo gallery
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Commentary by Author Tim Colliver
Science Fiction: Fantasy To Reality Documentary
Interview with Barbara Eden
Production Stills & Original Prop Galleries
Original Exhibitor's Campaign Manual
Poster and Lobby Card Gallery


Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea