Barbara Billingsley


Leave It To Beaver: The Complete Series

Inspired by the real-life experiences of creators Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher's own children, Leave It To Beaver follows the hilarious everyday adventures of young Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver and his older brother Wally. Whether at home, at school or playing around their suburban neighborhood, Beaver always manages to get himself into some kind of trouble, comically learning each valuable lesson life has to offer along the way. Alongside baseball and apple pie, Leave It To Beaver reigns supreme in the pantheon of Americana.


The quintessential movie spoof that spawned an entire genre of parody films, the original Airplane! still holds up as one of the brightest comedic gems of the '80s, not to mention of cinema itself (it ranked in the top 5 of Entertainment Weekly's list of the 100 funniest movies ever made). The humor may be low and obvious at times, but the jokes keep coming at a rapid-fire clip and its targets--primarily the lesser lights of '70s cinema, from disco films to star-studded disaster epics--are more than worthy for send-up.

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