James Gregory


The Strongest Man In The World

Medfield College science major Dexter Riley (Kurt Russell) and his classmates have been working on a new vitamin compound, when a lab accident creates a supercharged mix that ends up in Dexter's cereal box! After breakfast the next morning, Dexter is transformed, possessing a superhuman strength that levels lampposts and destroys doorknobs. The powerful formula comes to the attention of the college dean and two rival cereal companies, touching off a hilarious chain of events.

The Manchurian Candidate

You will never find a more chillingly suspenseful, perversely funny, or viciously satirical political thriller than The Manchurian Candidate, based on the novel by Richard Condon (author of Winter Kills). The film, withheld from distribution by star Frank Sinatra for almost a quarter century after President Kennedy's assassination, has lost none of its potency over time. Former infantryman Bennet Marco (Sinatra) is haunted by nightmares about his platoon having been captured and brainwashed in Korea.

The Main Event

A perfume magnate (Barbra Streisand), with plenty of chutzpah, falls victim to an embezzling employee who takes her for everything she owns. Well, almost everything.... There is one $60,000 investment that still belongs to her -- a washed up prizefighter (Ryan O'Neal) with a sore paw, whose talents had been purchased as a tax write-off. Seeing him as her only chance to recoup some of her former wealth, she decides to manage the mild-mannered boxer's career herself. Can she stimulate a return to championship form?

Beneath The Planet Of The Apes

The bizarre world you met in 'Planet of the Apes' was only the beginning... What lies beneath may be the end! In an effort to find the missing astronaut Taylor (Charlton Heston), James Fransiscus goes on a rescue mission to the planet of the apes. Using the information he receives from the ape village that Taylor escaped from, Brent locates him in an underground fortress in the forbidden zone guarded by telepathic humans.

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