Jim Caviezel


Person Of Interest: The Complete Series

A supercomputer developed by reclusive billionaire and software genius Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) analyzes data patterns in surveillance for the U.S. government to identify impending acts of terrorism. But the computer, known only as "The Machine," can also identify ordinary people who are about to be involved in violent crimes. Can those crimes be stopped before they take place?

Deja Vu

In his most effective thriller since Enemy of the State, Tony Scott makes time travel seem plausible. It helps that his New Orleans hero, ATF agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington in his third go-round with the director), spends more time in the present than the past. In order to catch a terrorist, FBI Agent Pryzwarra (Val Kilmer) invites Carlin to join forces. They have the technology to see the past. He has the expertise to interpret the data. Unfortunately, the bomb has already gone off and hundreds of ferry passengers have died.

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