Joanne Whalley


The White Princess

Drawn from the novel of the same name by Philippa Gregory, "The White Princess" is a tale of power,family, love, and betrayal, charting one of the most tumultuous times in British history uniquely from the point of view of the women. The tempestuous marriage between Elizabeth of York (Lizzie) and King Henry VII officially marks the conclusion of the War of the Roses, but the real battle for the throne is far from over.

The Man Who Knew Too Little

Wallace Ritchie, an American vacationer in London, doesn't know that the bullets are real and the truth serum true. He thinks the intrigue erupting around him is part of an audience-participation theater event. Yet the world's fate depends on this gullible goofus who can't even spell CIA. Bill Murray is Ritchie, the naive spy who comes in very bold in The Man Who Knew Too Little. He can't believe how believable the make-believe is.

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