Michael Lerner


The Postman Always Rings Twice

In The Postman Always Rings Twice, Jack Nicholson teamed up again with his Five Easy Pieces and King of Marvin Gardens director Bob Rafelson for this 1981 version of James M. Cain's hardboiled novel of lust and murder. This version takes a much grittier (and sexually explicit) approach to the material than the slick 1946 MGM version starring John Garfield and Lana Turner. Nicholson plays Frank Chambers, a drifter who happens upon a roadside diner run by Cora Papadakis (Jessica Lange) and her swarthy Greek husband, Nick (John Colicos).

The Road To Wellville

Academy Award®-winner Anthony Hopkins leads an all star cast including Bridget Fonda, Matthew Broderick, John Cusack, and Dana Carvey in this inventive, high energy comedy filled with hilarious laughs and bawdy fun. Presiding over the renowned Battle Creek Sanitarium is the visionary corn flake inventor and health craze huckster Dr. John Harvey (Hopkins). Seeking to improve their health and their marriage in this spa/hospital/grand hotel are Eleanor (Fonda), Kellogg's spellbound devotee, and her reluctant but devoted husband Will (Broderick).

Eight Men Out

Eliot Asinof's detailed book Eight Men Out illustrates how the system of American sports collapsed in 1919, the year the Chicago White Sox threw the World Series. Filmmaker John Sayles worked on his script years before the 1988†film (or before he had the rights to make the film) as a labor of love. Sayles's adaptation proves one can make a historically accurate film in the day and age of artistic license. And what a story. Although many know about the "Black Sox," made famous--again--in the 1989 hit film Field of Dreams, the details of the saga are far less known.

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