Robert Morse


Mad Men: The Complete Collection

Mad Men explores glamorous 1960s Madison Avenue and the ego-driven "Golden Age" of advertising, where everyone is selling something and nothing is ever what is seems. Featuring a decorated cast of Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy Award nominees and winners, Mad Men is one of the most talked-about TV dramas in history. From creator and executive producer Matthew Weiner, this intriguing and seductive series follows the complex lives of Don, Peggy, Roger, Joan, Betty, and Pete.

The Loved One

In olden days, as Cole Porter famously observed, a mere glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking. So it's heartening to report that this 1965 black comedy still delivers on its billing as "the motion picture with something to offend everyone." Tony Richardson, fresh off the liberating Tom Jones, brings Evelyn Waugh's self-described "little nightmare" to the screen with all its sacrilegious shocks (and then some!) intact, courtesy of screenwriters Terry Southern (Dr. Strangelove) and Christopher Isherwood.

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