My Bodyguard

Production year: 1980

Comedy PG   Running time: 1:36 

IMDB rating:   7.1     Aspect: 4:3, Wide;  Languages: English, French;  Subtitles: English, Spanish;  Audio: DD Surr.

After years of being sheltered in private school, Clifford Peache finds life difficult at his new Chicago high school, where a tough-talking bully and his pals regularly extort students lunch money. Refusing to pay up, Peache hires a bodyguard, the intimidatingly large class misfit whose rumored violent behavior is legendary. Though everyone else is afraid of him, Peache strikes up a friendship with the troubled loner. Their deepening relationship and unified stand against the thugs manages to rouse the entire school.



Audio commentary
Trailers/TV spots

Special features

Audio Commentary With Director Tony Bill And Film Photographer Jim Healy


My Bodyguard