The Omega Man

Production year: 1971

Science Fiction PG   Running time: 1:38 

IMDB rating:   6.6     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish;  Audio: DD Stereo

Science fiction took a grim turn in the 1970s--the heyday of Agent Orange, nuclear peril, and Watergate. Suddenly, most of our possible futures took on a "last man on Earth" flavor, with The Omega Man topping the doom-struck heap. Charlton Heston plays the government researcher behind the ultimate biological weapon, a deadly plague that has ravaged humanity. There are two groups of survivors: a dwindling band of immune humans and an infected, psychopathic mob of light-hating quasi-vampires. The infected are led by Mathias, a clever, charismatic man set on destroying the last remnants of the civilization that produced the plague. Heston has a vaccine--but he and the few remaining normals are outnumbered and outgunned. By day, he builds a makeshift version of the nuclear family (with Rosalind Cash as his afro-wearing, gun-toting little lady). They plan for the future while roaming freely through an empty urban landscape, taking what few pleasures life has left. By night, they defend themselves against the growing horde of plague victims. Both a bittersweet romance and a gothic cautionary tale, The Omega Man paints a convincing portrait of hope and despair. It ain't pretty, but it's a great movie.



Trailers/TV spots

Special features

"The Last Man Alive: The Omega Man" Vintage Documentary
All New Introduction By Co-Stars Eric Laneuville and Paul Koslo and Screenwriter Joyce H. Corrington,
Charlton Heston Sci-Fi Movies Essay


The Omega Man