Secret Of My Success

Production year: 1987

Comedy PG-13   Running time: 1:51 

IMDB rating:   6.5     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English, Spanish;  Audio: DD Surr.

Can a kid from Kansas come to New York to conquer the business world and maneuver his way from the mailroom to the boardroom in a matter of weeks? Michael J. Fox proves it can be done in this very funny lampoon of corporate business life. Fresh out of college, he's determined to climb New York's corporate ladder in record time by masquerading as an up-and-coming executive, even though he's really the new mail boy. However, Fox's plans begin to go awry when the boss's wife falls in love with him and he falls in love with a junior executive, who also happens to be the boss's mistress.



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Secret Of My Success