Stockard Channing


The West Wing: Complete Series

The West Wing is a political drama series created by Aaron Sorkin that was originally broadcast on NBC, set primarily in the West Wing of the White House, where the Oval Office and offices of presidential senior personnel are located, during the fictional two-term Democratic administration of President Josiah Bartlet. Cutthroat presidential advisers get their personal lives hopelessly tangled up with professional duties as they try to conduct the business of running a country. Fictional Democratic President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet suffers no fools, and that policy alienates many.

Life Or Something Like It

Angelina Jolie proves her box-office versatility in Life or Something Like It, a romantic comedy (Jolie's first) that succeeds on the strength of Jolie's appealing performance. As Seattle TV news reporter Lanie Kerrigan, Jolie craves celebrity (i.e., she's insecure and seeks approval), but her disapproving cameraman (Edward Burns) detects an admirable woman beneath Lanie's bleached-blond coif and pancake makeup.


Riding the strange '50s nostalgia wave that swept through America during the late 1970s (caused by TV shows like Happy Days and films like American Graffiti), Grease became not only the word in 1978, but also a box-office smash and a cultural phenomenon. Twenty years later, this entertaining film adaptation of the Broadway musical received another successful theatrical release, which included visual remastering and a shiny new Dolby soundtrack.

The First Wives Club

Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, and Diane Keaton prove that revenge is a dish best served cold. Former college buddies, they reunite at the funeral of a dear friend who took a swan dive onto Fifth Avenue. All three discover they share the same unhappy history of husbands who dove into middle-age by dumping them for trophy wives. Forming a warring triumvirate, they decide to get even, and along the way remind themselves of long-forgotten capabilities. The action gets a little too "wacky" at times, but the gals are great.

The Big Bus

For anyone who's wallowed in the inanities of 1970s disaster movies, The Big Bus is not only witty but downright endearing. Instead of an endangered airliner or a capsized cruise ship, this dippily deadpan parody features a block-long, atomic-powered, luxury super-Greyhound setting off on its first transcontinental run with a garish cross section of humankind programmed for redemption, retribution, or just sublime ridiculousness as they roll toward Doom--or Denver, whichever comes first. Writers Fred Freeman and Lawrence J.

Anything Else

Jason Biggs (American Pie) and Christina Ricci (Sleepy Hollow) star in Woody Allen's latest comedy romp that proves love at first sight isn't like "anything else." When an aspiring young writer falls head over heels with a free-spirited, hard-to-please young woman, he soon discovers he's going to have to work doubly hard to make their love work. Anything Else is a hysterical look at modern romance that keeps the laughs coming as their relationship spins wildly out of control!

The Good Wife: The Complete Series

Primetime Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner Julianna Margulies is Alicia Florrick, The Good Wife who went on to be so much more. And now, every episode of the gripping series adored by audiences and lauded by critics is collected here in this 42-disc set of the Complete Series. Publically humiliated when her disgraced husband goes behind bars after a political scandal, Alicia reinvents herself and creates a new life practicing law and navigating the treacherous world of politics.

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