Sylvia Miles


Midnight Cowboy

Convinced of his irresistible appeal to women, Texas dishwasher Joe Buck (Jon Voight) quits his job and heads for New York City, thinking he'll latch on to some rich dowager. New York, however, is not as hospitable as he imagined, and Joe soon finds himself living in an abandoned building with a Dickensian layabout named Enrico Ratso Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman). The two form a rough alliance, and together they kick-start Joe's hustling career just as Ratso's health begins to deteriorate.

The Sentinel

She's living in the gateway to hell. In this gruesome shocker directed by Michael Winner (Death Wish, Lawman), model Alison Parker (Cristina Raines) learns that the Brooklyn Heights house where she rents an apartment guards the gateway to Hell. Base on the bestseller by Jeffrey Konvitz, who wrote and produced the film with Winner, it stars horror legend John Carradine as the blind Father Halliran, who maintains a solitary vigil against the forces of evil.

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