Paul Rodriguez


The World's Fastest Indian

A movie that exudes affection and goodwill, The World's Fastest Indian is an unabashed mash note to a lovely character from New Zealand's recent past. Burt Munro, played by Anthony Hopkins, is a cantankerous Kiwi with an obsession: he's been tinkering with his 1920s-era Indian brand motorcycle for years, pushing it to ever-faster speeds. It's the 1960s, and Burt has the utterly mad idea of taking the bike to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, site of world records for speed racing.

Cloud 9

Superstars Burt Reynolds and D.L. Hughley are hilarious in the funniest sports comedy since Dodgeball! When perpetual loser Billy Cole (Reynolds) eats lunch at super-sexy strip club Cloud 9, it's not for the show ñ it's for the free buffet! But he scores big by forming the world's sexiest beach volleyball team ñ with the strippers! As the girls' popularity swells, though, they want to seduce crowds with their abilities, not their bods.

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