Chandra Prakash Dwivedi


Umrao Jaan

A film like Umrao Jaan is not for the laity. The movie's setting (19th century Lucknow), its story, its characters and the dialogues they speak, nothing conforms to the cinematic tastes of a contemporary viewer. Yet the heart-rending tale of Umrao Jaan stands out for a sensitive viewer to empathize with. And full credit should be given to J.P. Dutta for sensible, skillful direction and to Aishwarya Rai for her emphatic performance.Umrao Jaan is the story of a woman whose life is filled with one misfortune after another.


The saga of human strength during trying times. Pinjar is the strength and hope that epitomizes the way many people responded to a brutal past. Based on the novel by veteran writer Amrita Pritam, the film takes history into an unexplored sphere. Puro is the symbol of undaunted strength and determination, filled with dreams and desires. She loved life and all it's small pleasures. And one incident forced her to face death slowly, but she derived inspiration and a reason to live because she couldn't see the plight of other women around her.

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