Lily Tomlin


The West Wing: Complete Series

The West Wing is a political drama series created by Aaron Sorkin that was originally broadcast on NBC, set primarily in the West Wing of the White House, where the Oval Office and offices of presidential senior personnel are located, during the fictional two-term Democratic administration of President Josiah Bartlet. Cutthroat presidential advisers get their personal lives hopelessly tangled up with professional duties as they try to conduct the business of running a country. Fictional Democratic President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet suffers no fools, and that policy alienates many.

Shadows And Fog

Woody Allen's wonderful 1920s mystery comedy is the story of one fantastic, Kafka-esque night when the circus came to a small European town and a maniac strangler walked the streets. Recruited by an inept mob of vigilantes, Kleinman (Allen), a cowardly clerk, is forced to search for a notorious murderer - only to stumble upon a feisty sword-sallower, Irmy (Farrow), running away from the circus, and her 'clownish' boyfriend (Malkovich). Determined to help Irmy, and eager to escape the vigilantes, Kleinman abandons his search for the killer... or so he thinks.

Picking Up The Pieces

Woody Allen stars in Picking Up the Pieces, playing a butcher named Tex who cuts up his adulterous wife (played by Sharon Stone) in a jealous rage. On his way to bury the pieces, he loses her hand on the side of the road, where it's found by a blind woman--and miraculously gives her back her sight. Before long, the hand has become a religious relic, drawing huge crowds to the small town of El Nino, New Mexico, and testing the faithlessness of a straying priest (David Schwimmer), who's in love with the town's leading prostitute (Maria Gracia Cucinotta, from Il Postino).

9 To 5

In this hilarious farce, three of Hollywood's favorite female stars - Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Dolly Parton - live every secretary's dream as they turn the tables on their boss and turn their male controlled workplace into a model office. At Consolidated, the office manager (Tomlin), the vice president's secretary (Parton) and the newest employee (Fonda) become great friends as they share their resentment about their egotistical, sexist boss (Dabney Coleman).

Damages: The Complete Series

For five extraordinary seasons, this critically acclaimed legal thriller broke all the rules and made its own. Film legend Glenn Close won two Emmys for her stunning portrayal of relentless litigator Patty Hewes, who commands the courtroom and the screen, doing battle with ambitious protégée - turned-adversary Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) in cutting-edge cases with devastatingconsequences both professional and personal.

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