The Matrix Revolutions

Production year: 2003

Science Fiction R   Running time: 2:09 

IMDB rating:   6.7     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English, French, Spanish;  Subtitles: English, French, Spanish;  Audio: DD 5.1

Despite the inevitable law of diminishing returns, The Matrix Revolutions is quite satisfying as an adrenalized action epic, marking yet another milestone in the exponential evolution of computer-generated special effects. That may not be enough to satisfy hardcore Matrix fans who turned the Wachowski Brothers' hacker mythology into a quasi-religious pop-cultural phenomenon, but there's no denying that the trilogy goes out with a cosmic bang instead of the whimper that many expected. Picking up precisely where The Matrix Reloaded left off, this 130-minute finale finds Neo (Keanu Reeves) at a virtual junction, defending the besieged human enclave of Zion by confronting the attacking machines on their home turf, while humans combat swarms of tentacled mechanical sentinels as Zion's fate lies in the balance. It all amounts to a blaze of CGI glory, devoid of all but the shallowest emotions, and so full of metaphysical hokum that the trilogy's detractors can gloat with I-told-you-so sarcasm. And yet, Revolutions still succeeds as a slick, exciting hybrid of cinema and video game, operating by its own internal logic with enough forward momentum to make the whole trilogy seem like a thrilling, magnificent dream.


Photo gallery

Special features

Revolutions Recalibrated (The making of this final chapter)
CG Revolution (The incredible special effects arsenal)
Super Burly Brawl (Behind the final Neo/Smith showdown)
Future Gamer: The Matrix Online (A look at the Matrix Online multiplayer game)
Before the Revolution (Matrix timeline)
3-D Evolution( Multidimensional stills gallery)


The Matrix Revolutions