Vice Versa

Production year: 1988

Comedy PG   Running time: 1:39 

IMDB rating:   5.7     Aspect: Wide;  Languages: English;  Subtitles: English, Spanish;  Audio: DD Surr.

It was one of those "something in the air" moments in Hollywood. In the space of a year, four different films came out on the same subject: A kid lands in an adult's body (and, often, vice versa--get it?). The best was Big, but this one was surprisingly amusing, thanks to a goofily adolescent performance by Judge Reinhold (as the kid in an adult's body) and a comically serious one by young Fred Savage, who can convey the sense of an grownup trapped in a kid's world. The plot is virtually identical to its competitors--overworked Dad has a big deadline and has to rely on the unreliable kid to come through for him, even as he gets a sense of what his son's life is like--but Reinhold and Savage charm their way through it.




Vice Versa