Anchor California Lager (12 oz)

Anchor California Lager
From the "Can"
  • 1896
  • California's First Genuine Lager Reborn.
  • Anchor Brewing Co., San Francisco, CA;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Anchor Steam's roots go back to the Gold Rush, long before icehouses and modern refrigeration made traditional lagers a viable California option. In 1876, thanks to an ice pond in the mountains and a belief that anything is possible in the Golden State, a little brewery named Boca created California's first genuine lager. Anchor California Lager® is our re-creation of this historic American beer. Made in San Francisco with two-row California barley, Cluster hops (the premier hop in 19th-century California), and our own lager yeast, this all-malt brew is kräusened and lagered in our cellars. Its golden color, distinctive aroma, creamy head, balanced depth of flavor, and smooth finish make Anchor California Lager a delicious celebration of California’s unique craft brewing heritage. The California grizzly bear on our Anchor California Lager label is from a woodcut by Durbin Van Vleck (1833-1898), courtesy of The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley. First published in 1856 in San Francisco, it is a superbly crafted rendering of an original illustration by Charles Christian Nahl (1818–1878), who had painted both eastbound and westbound versions of this bear. Nearly a century later, Nahl's bear served as inspiration for the design of the bear on California's modern state flag. Although that bear is heading west, our bear - like the bear on Boca Brewing's historic lager label - is heading east.