Cigar City Brewing Invasion Pale Ale (12 oz)

Cigar City Brewing Invasion Pale Ale
From the "Can"
  • Drink fresh! Do not age! Pour gently into a glass
  • The people of Tampa Bay have fallen prey to a pirate invasion annually for well over 100 years. After more than a century of failing to repel these seafaring raiders in their anachronistic wooden ships and despite access to modern sea, land and air arsenals that ostensibly should make short work of wind powered vessels equipped with naught but cast iron cannons and raging scurvy, it occurred to the folks of Cigar City Brewing that if you can’t beat them, start saying “Arrrr Matey!” We have brewed Invasion Pale Ale, a citrusy, tropical and low-alcohol session beer brewed for those long days of marauding, pillaging and pirating. Cheers!
  • Cigar City Brewing, Tampa, FL;

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Brewer's Exegesis

The people of Tampa Bay have fallen prey to a pirate invasion annually for well over 100 years. After more than a century of failing to repel these seafaring raiders in their anachronistic wooden ships and despite access to modern sea, land and air arsenals that ostensibly should make short work of wind powered vessels equipped with naught but cast iron cannons and raging scurvy, it occurred to the folks of Cigar City Brewing that if you can’t beat them, start saying “Arrrr Matey!” We have brewed Invasion Pale Ale, a citrusy, tropical and low-alcohol session beer brewed for those long days of marauding, pillaging and pirating. Cheers!