Lagunitas Brewing Sumpin' Easy Ale (12 oz)

Lagunitas Brewing Sumpin' Easy Ale
From the "Can"
  • ...It's a thing, I guess. Still not really sure. I'm like Humpty Dumpty, I just don't know on which side o'the wall I wanna fall...
  • Beneath the flotsam of categories. Past nouns. Beyond exclamations@ Down to the autological: words possessing the very property they express. Short is short. Sesquipidalian is long. Sumpin; has that thing on the tip of your tongue, and Easy just rolls off as easy as Sunday morning.
  • Sumpin' Easy is everything we've learned about making hop-forward beer expressed in a moderate voice. Pale, cold, slightly alcoholic, and bitter. It's all we know.
  • Call us sometime. Cheers!
  • Lagunitas Brewing Company, Petaluma, Calif. and Chicago, Ill.

a bear-y nice ale - sumptuous, grand, lavishly appointed - truly sumpin' special. Forsooth, there is no easy ale I trust more

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Brewer's Exegesis

Dip beneath the flotsam of categories. Past nouns. Beyond exclamations! Down to the autological: words possessing the very property they express. Short is short. Sesquipedalian is long. Sumpin' has that thing on the tip of the tongue, and Easy just rolls off as easy as Sunday morning. Sumpin' Easy is everything we've learned about making hop-forward beer expressed in a moderate voice. Pale, cold, slightly alcoholic, and bitter. It's all we know. A healthy dose of 2-row malted barley, a bit of wheaty-esque-ish-ness and loads of Ekuanot hops to create a super smooth and velvety ale with a fruit and resin-y- finish like biting into a freshly picked peach. Easy!