Magic Hat Brewing Lucky Kat Amber I.P.A. (12 oz)

Magic Hat Brewing Lucky Kat Amber I.P.A.
From the "Can"
  • Est. 1994 - Vermont
  • Selections From The Vault
  • Beer Kitty, Kitty!
  • Lucky Kat is an Amber IPA with a sweet hop nose and a smooth, medium body whose deliciously intense hop bite is balanced by a clean malty backbone that purrs of caramel and toast. Beer, kitty, kitty...
  • Greetings!! When In Vermont, Come By And Visit Us @ Our Brewery & The Artifactory
  • Magic Hat Brewing Co., So. Burlington, VT - Rochester, NY;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Beer Kitty, Kitty... Lucky Kat purrs as he pours with a grin on his mangy face and a grin in his searching eye. He sits on the fence he calls home, dividing up from down. Is he an imperial beast or a pale soul from the east? Only he knows and we know only this, if you reach out to pet him he'll bite back with a big, hoppy kiss. Lucky Kat is an Amber IPA with a sweet hop nose and a smooth, medium body whose deliciously intense hop bite is balanced by a clean malty backbone that purrs of caramel and toast.