Anheuser-Busch Busch Light Beer (12 oz)

Anheuser-Busch Busch Light Beer
From the "Can"
  • Limited Edition
  • Brewed In The U.S.A.
  • Enjoy Responsibly
  • Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, MO;

not generally found at the local opera house, nevertheless a workhorse beverage loved by game-table gamblers, swanky wheeler-dealers and steely-eyed waiters that won't induce untapped bev-Rage

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Brewer's Exegesis

Busch Light is brewed longer to create a lighter body and fewer calories while always delivering that classic taste. Busch and Busch Light are both brewed with a blend of premium American-grown and imported hops and a combination of malt and corn to provide a pleasant balanced flavor. Additionally, Busch Light undergoes a longer brewing process that produces a lighter body and fewer calories.