Champion Brewing Melee Session India Pale Ale (12 oz)

Champion Brewing Melee Session India Pale Ale
From the "Can"
  • A toned-down, close-quarters version of our IPA. This easy drinking hoppy American Pale Ale is hopped heavily with citra and amarillo hops, for an extra citrusy taste. Deliberately drinkable.
  • Brewers Association: Certified Independent Craft
  • 800000 Damage - 800000 Damage - 800000 Damage
  • Champion Brewing Company, Charlottesville, VA;

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Brewer's Exegesis

A toned-down, close-quarters version of our IPA. This easy drinking hoppy American Pale Ale is hopped heavily with citra and amarillo hops, for an extra citrusy taste. Deliberately drinkable.