Hop City Brewing Barking Squirrel Amber Lager (473 ml)

Hop City Brewing Barking Squirrel Amber Lager
From the "Can"
  • Gold Winnter: Honde Selection, Belgium; Canadian Brewing Awards, Ontario Brewing Awards
  • Our flagship brew. A superbly smooth balancing act of noble hop bitterness and caramel malt sweetness.
  • Notre biere vedette. Un equilibre parfait entre l'amertume du noble houblon et le sucre du malt carameliae.
  • Contains Barley And Wheat / Contient de L'OrgeEt Du Ble
  • Return For Refund Where Applicable
  • Est. 2009
  • Hop City Brewing Co., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada; hopcity.com

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Brewer's Exegesis

Our multi award-winning flagship brew. Barking Squirrel has a distinct burnt orange colour and noble hop aroma. This amber lager is highly drinkable – a superbly smooth balancing act of hop bitterness and roasted caramel malt sweetness. Hops include Hallertau Mittelfrueh, Saaz; malts include Pale Two-Row, Crystal, Dark Crystal, Munich, Torrified Wheat. Awards: 2017 Ontario Brewing Awards – Gold; 2016 Ontario Brewing Awards – Gold; 2015 Atlantic Canada Beer Awards – Gold; 2013 Canadian Brewing Awards – Gold; 2011 World Beer Awards – America’s Best; 2011 Monde Selection – Grand Gold; 2010 Ontario Brewing Awards – People’s Choice.