Mill Street Brewery 100th Meridian Amber Lager (473 ml)

Mill Street Brewery 100th Meridian Amber Lager
From the "Can"
  • Organic - Biologique
  • Brewed with organic prairie malt and Bravo and Cascase hops, our organic 100th Meridian Amber Lager is firmly grounded in North American brewing tradition. This flavourful amber beauty is our quintessential American-style craft lager.
  • Brassee avec du malt des prairies et des houblons Bravo et Cascade cultives de facon biologique, notre biere biologique 100th Meridian Amber Lager est fermement enracinee dans la tradition de brassage nord-americaine. Savoureuse a souhait, elle incarne l'essance meme d'une lager artisanale de style americain.
  • Ingredients: Water, Organic mashed barley, Organic Hops, Brewer's Yeast
  • Ingredients: Eau, Orge maltee Biologique, Houblons biologiques, Levure de brassaur
  • Beer / Biere
  • Certified Organic By DCIA - Certifie Biologique Par DCIA
  • Mill Street Brewery, Toronto, ON, Canada;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Our 100th Meridian Organic Amber Lager won gold at the 2017 International Brewing Awards in the Specialty Class 3 Organic Beer category. This beer was originally brewed at our Toronto brewpub, and is an organic beer brewed with ingredients from west of the 100th Meridian. Prairie pale, amber and caramel malts are combined artfully with citrusy and floral west coast hops, and then patiently fermented cool and aged cold in classic lager process to make a truly unique beer. Light copper in colour with a white head and aroma of fresh hops, this is a truly satisfying amber lager for all beer lovers. This beer is from a time and a place where quality and integrity aren’t just bywords or catch phrases, they are part of the authentic fabric of the land and its people.