Pyramid #37: Iunu

Pyramid #37: Iunu

New Additions

Samuel Adams Postseason IPA (12 oz)
United States
Samuel Adams Cold Snap White Ale AltA (12 oz)
United States
Sapporo Premium Beer (12 oz)

Browse Beer Cans

The Beer Can section is a virtual homage to the American beer-can collecting craze of the 1970s. The rise of thousands of microbreweries have made 'dump scouring' or digging for old beer cans in the woods and abandoned campgrounds a thing of the past. The thousands of young men who could pick up a can in any vacant lot when the hobby was at its zenith in the 1970s have grown up - but fortunately may now find hundreds of colorful cans (full of good brew) within mere miles of their homes.
Why Beer Cans?
Beer Cans Are The Most Sustainable Package
  • Beer cans have zero light penetration
  • Beer cans chill faster, and are easier to store
  • Beer cans have a longer shelf life
  • Beer cans are shatter-proof. They are safer for consumers and are allowed where bottles are not
  • Beer cans are very lightweight and provide cube efficiency to allow more product to be shipped using less fuel
  • New beer cans are produced with recycled aluminum, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 95%
  • Nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today
  • 68% of beer cans are recycled — the highest rate of any beverage container
  • In addition, beer cans are graphically rich, and pints o' fun!

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