Lonerider Viggo Octoberfest Marzen Style Lager (12 oz)

Lonerider Viggo Octoberfest Marzen Style Lager (12 oz)
From the "Can"
  • Ales For Outlaws
  • There's a story behind every beer, and a legend behind all the best stories. Although time and distance make it difficult to separate tall tales from fact, one thing is certain - Viggo epitomized the outlaw spirit, with a personality as big and complex as the malt flavor of the beer that bears his name.
  • Lonerider Brewing Co., Raleigh, NC; loneriderbeer.com; @loneriderbeer

smoke 'em if you got 'em Viggoramenstein - rides a wire between smoky and bittersweet. Cloaked in saddle polish and olde English 800

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Brewer's Exegesis

The color reminds the drinker of the fall leaves, the sweetness foreshadows the cold of winter that follows autumn. Enjoy this beer in vast quantities under large tents with plenty of food, friends, and german oom-pah music.