21st Amendment Brewery Blah Blah Blah Imperial IPA (12 oz)

21st Amendment Brewery Blah Blah Blah Imperial IPA
From the "Can"
  • Red IPA, Lime IPA, Dirty Sock IPA, Quad IPA. A Dark IPA, Worm IPA, Brew Free Or Die IPA, Maple IPA, Shiokara IPA, Double IPA, Rye IPA, English IPA, We Threw A Hop In IPA, Lemon IPA, Black IPA, Honey IPA, Belgian IPA, Grapefruit IPA, Soap IPA, Chocolate IPA, Organic IPA, Half Of An IPA, What's With Another IPA, Fresh Hop IPA, Hoppy IPA, U.S.I.P.A., Strong IPA,
  • Russian IPA, Drought IPA, Single IPA, Agave IPA, Belgian IPA, Basil IPA, Tahoot IPA, Witchetty Grub IPA, Back In Black IPA, Belgian White IPA, Black Rye IPA, Northwest IPA, Rodibos IPA, Tripel IPA, Haggis IPA, Lettuce IPA, Citrus IPA, Orange IPA, Wild IPA, Single Hop IPA, Ghost Pepper IPA, Maple IPA, White IPA, The I In IPA, Coconut IPA, Spam IPA, Tripe IPA,
  • American IPA, Goat IPA, Fresh IPA, Pickle IPA, Wheat IPA, Milk IPA, Magpie IPA, Chocolate Orange IPA, Dead Cow IPA, Experimental IPA, Jalapemo IPA, Procaffinated IPA, Imperial IPA, Ummm... IPA, Blood Orange IPA, California IPA, Mosaic IPA, Humulus Lupulus IPA, Another F*#king IPA, Jasmine IPA, Hazelnut IPA, Can't Feel My Face IPA, Don't Call Me An IPA, Grass IPA,
  • Bitter American IPA, A Big Fist In The Mouth, Escamol IPA, Toffee IPA, Strong IPA, Blueberry IPA, Pizza IPA, Are You Still Reading This IPA, Opening Day IPA, Apple IPA, A Big Fist In Mouth IPA, Seaweed IPA, Hop Crisis IPA, Hop N IPA, Apollo IPA,
  • So Tired Of Writing IPA, Li-Fi IPA, Chin Ok IPA, Eroica IPA, Noble Hops IPA, Bitter Beer Face IPA, Toffee IPA, Worm Hole IPA, Pink IPA, Loading IPA, Only One Hop IPA, Apple IPA, I'm Running Out Of Room IPA, Gigantes IPA, Unfiltered IPA, Fine Peppercord IPA, Session IPA, Will This Ever Print IPA
  • 21st Amandment Brewery, San Leandro, CA; 21st-amendment.com

your eyes will glaze over after reading the 100+ IPA varieties on the can, both real and utter make-believe. Ideally hopped for Saturday night barn dancers or quarreling farm boys

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Brewer's Exegesis

We are huge fans of IPA and love our hops like anyone else, but we also like to have fun. Our Blah Blah Blah IPA is a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the popularity of this style and all the sub-styles that have become part of craft beer conversations and offerings.This is a deep gold color, double IPA (of course) and jammed packed with hop flavors and aromas. With nine different hop varietals, on top of late-kettle boil additions, this beer has a juicy, hop chewy flavor. IPAs are here to stay and Blah Blah Blah in many ways is a tribute to their prevalence and popularity and we love it. So, grab yourself a Blah Blah Blah IPA and celebrate this plentiful style and hoppy indulgence. Pairs with: fried chicken, sharp cheeses, carne asada and great conversation. Pairs BEST with: a home cook meal to celebrate something special.