21st Amendment Brewery El Sully Beer (12 oz)

21st Amendment Brewery El Sully Beer
From the "Can"
  • Cereveceria 21st Amendment
  • Hecho En San Leandro
  • Cerveza
  • You are closer to him right now than most will ever have the good fortune to be.
  • 21st Amandment Brewery, San Leandro, CA

blend devil-may-care flavor with the amor of su abuelita y Tia Irma and you might get close to the reckless El Sully, a beer irresponsibly spirited and geared for the High Sierra Trail

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Brewer's Exegesis

Con el sol en los ojos, no veíamos bien, pero tú estas más cerca de él en este momento que la mayoría de la gente tendrá la suerte de estar. Wait, sorry about that. The sun was in our eyes and we did not get a good look, but you are closer to him right now than most will ever have the good fortune to be. Who is El Sully? Grab a can of this Mexican-Style lager, head to the nearest beach, even if it’s imagined, and perhaps he’ll come to you. El Sully (the beer) is available in six packs and our Summer Variety 15 pack. El Sully (the legend) is a little harder to find. Pairs with: pasta salads, ceviche, tacos, burritos and being outdoors. Pairs BEST with: fish tacos at a beachside location, with a slice of lime on the rim of your beer.