Beer Den Rumpelstiltskin Hefeweizen Ale (12 oz)

Beer Den Rumpelstiltskin Hefeweizen Ale (12 oz)
From the "Can"
  • South German Style Hefeweizen Ale
  • All magic comes with a price, dearie, and the allurement of this south German style hefeweizen is worth it's weight in gold thread. Rumpelstiltskin is bready with notes of banana and clove for a fruity and phenolic flavor with a spell-binding malted wheat finish.
  • Keep Cold, Drink Fresh!
  • Brewers Association: Certified Independent Craft
  • Please Recycle
  • Brewed For The Beer Den At Lowe's Foods By Foothills Brewing, Winston-Salem, NC

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Brewer's Exegesis

Traditional German-style hefeweizen with strong banana notes.