Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time Brown Ale (16 oz)

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time Brown Ale
From the "Can"
  • Specialty Series
  • Remember when your parents packed a PB&J sandwich in your lunchbox? The flavors all melded into pure comfort food by noon! Well, we recreated this childhood goodness in a beer! This light brown ale is brewed from five different grains and then aged for weeks on raspberries and roasted peanuts. Take a sip, let the flavors mingle on your palate, and enjoy our PB&J in a glass.
  • Brewers Association: Certified Independent Craft
  • Catawba Brewing Company, Morganton, NC;; Asheville - Morganton - Charlotte

hey it's Wonder Bread, Skippy and Smuckers in a pint glass - with a name like Catawba, it has to be good. Stickylicious and woefully madcap

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Brewer's Exegesis

Remember when your mom packed a PB&J sandwich in your lunchbox? The flavors all melded into pure comfort food by noon! Well, we recreated this childhood goodness in a beer! This light brown ale is brewed from five different grains and then aged for weeks on raspberries and roasted peanuts. Take a sip, let the flavors mingle on your palate, and enjoy our PB&J in a glass. This beer begins life as a light brown ale that provides the bready qualities of the base beer. After fermentation, it is rested on whole roasted peanuts and all-natural raspberry puree, which truly transforms this into a PB&J sandwich in a glass.