D9 Brown Sugar Brown Cow Mocha Brown Ale (16 oz)

D9 Brown Sugar Brown Cow Mocha Brown Ale
From the "Can"
  • Ale brewed with natural flavor.
  • Unquestionably Original
  • Brewers Association: Certified Independent Craft
  • District 9 Brewing, LLC, Cornelius, NC; www.d9brewing.com

when you're short two pairs of boots, the last place you'd look is on your irreproachable milk cow - she's probably slurped up your last can of ale too - a disruptive coffee/mocha explosion

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Brewer's Exegesis

This Mocha Brown ale needed a fanatical bovine with a brown sugar sweet side and a kick of Colombian coffee. Brown Sugar Brown Cow is brewed with chocolate, vanilla, brown sugar and Colombian coffee. We added a hint of lactose, and this brew is a mocha coffee and cream concoction so good you’ll say its name.