Destihl Brewery Weissenheimer Hefeweizen (12 oz)

Destihl Brewery Weissenheimer Hefeweizen
From the "Can"
  • Support Flavor - Boycott Bland
  • Need a break from all the smart alecks in your life? You'll get the last laugh as you kick back and relax with this seriously refreshing classic German-Style Hefeweizen. This wheat ale has a hazy, straw-colored hue, banana and clove-like aromas and flavors of a full mouthfeel without being full of itself. No joke. Cheers.
  • South German-Style Wheat Ale
  • Unfiltered - Enjoy Fresh - Keep Refrigerated
  • Destihl Brewery, Bloomington, IL; destihlbrewery,com

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Brewer's Exegesis

Need a break from all the smart alecks in your life? You'll get the last laugh as you kick back and relax with this seriously refreshing classic German-Style Hefeweizen. This wheat ale has a hazy, straw-colored hue, banana and clove-like aromas and flavors of a full mouthfeel without being full of itself. No joke! Ingredients include red wheat, 2-row malt, munich malt, vienna malt, rice hulls, carapils, flaked oats.