Epic Brewing Son Of A Baptist Coffee Stout (12 oz)

Epic Brewing Son Of A Baptist Coffee Stout
From the "Can"
  • Coffee Stout With Cacao Nibs
  • Brewed With Local Coffee
  • Hops are not just hops and coffee isn't Just coffee. We've sought out creative and passionate coffee roasters from around the country to explore the innovative flavors of the coffee they roast. Look on the bottom of the can to see whose coffee is featured. For more information on each unique release, visit wwww.epicbrewing.com.
  • Made With Local Coffee
  • Epic Brewing Company, Denver, Colorado

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Brewer's Exegesis

Son of a Baptist is an 8% ABV imperial stout. It is not barrel aged like its father, Big Bad Baptist; instead its flavor profile was designed to highlight the complex and often unique flavors of small batch coffees. Instead of sourcing a coffee that would play well in a beer we sought out creative and innovative roasters, then asked them which beans they’re passionate about. Each resulting release of Son of a Baptist is widely different depending on the coffee selected. Some are fruity and sweet with notes of jam and chocolate, others are rich and earthy with a big roasted finish. Each limited release will return to the Roaster’s home market where the beer and the coffee can be sampled side by side.