FCB (Fort Collins Brewing) Major Tom's Pomegranate Wheat (12 oz)

FCB (Fort Collins Brewing) Major Tom's Pomegranate Wheat
From the "Can"
  • American-style fruit wheat beer brewed with pomegranate pink peppercorn, for a hazy-golden hue, mild hop aroma and sweet tart finish.
  • Tried-and-true and cleared for landing.
  • Family Owned & Operated Since 2003
  • Pairs well with: Steamed Mussels, Lemon Meringue Pie
  • Ale brewed with pomegranate juice concentrate and spices.
  • Create - Share -Savor
  • Fort Collins Brewery, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Brewer's Exegesis

As the days get longer and planes fly higher, Major Tom’s is as refreshing as a summer vacation. This unique creation of a fruit beer is infused with pomegranate and pink peppercorn. The result is a striking straw blonde color and sweet tart finish.
