Firestone Walker Wookus: Leo V. Ursus Imperial Black India Pale Ale (16 oz)

Firestone Walker Wookus: Leo V. Ursus Imperial Black India Pale Ale
From the "Can"
  • Leo V. Ursus Chronology
  • Beer Before Glory
  • Firestone Walker Brewing Co., Paso Robles, California, USA

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Brewer's Exegesis

Once thought to be extinct, the Wookey family comes roaring back with its wooliest progeny yet: an imperial black rye IPA that is wickedly hoppy, righteously spicy and fearsome in flavor. While exhibiting DNA from its Wookey Jack ancestry, Wookus offers next-generation attitude with amplified hop aromatics and a bit of rebellious dankness. The result is a beer that blends the familiar with the ferocious. Right out of Firestone Walker mythology and into your glass—behold the beast that we call Wookus.