Fortnight ESB (12 oz)

Fortnight ESB
From the "Can"
  • Hand crafted In North Carolina
  • English Ale’s big brother. With a copper color this English specialty is the real deal. With notes of figs and sweet raisins, its countered by a healthy dose of East Kent Golding hops to give it a balance. A quintessential English beer, this Extra Special Bitter has found a new home in the states.
  • Brewed and canned with pride and passion.
  • Cans: Infinitely Recyclable
  • Fortnight Brewing Inc., Cary, NC;

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Brewer's Exegesis

English Ale’s big brother. With a copper color this English specialty is the real deal. With notes of figs and sweet raisins, its countered by a healthy dose of East Kent Golding hops to give it a balance. A quintessential English beer, this Extra Special Bitter has found a new home in the states.