Leavenworth Biers Boulder Bend Dark Wheat Ale (12 oz)

Leavenworth Biers Boulder Bend Dark Wheat Ale
From the "Can"
  • Since 1992
  • The Northwest's Original Gernan-Style Craft Biers
  • Alpine-style Dunkelweizen
  • Boulder Bend Dunkelweizen is an exceptional creation. This is an unfiltered dark Hefeweizen, with a gently sweet character infusing its medium-bodied smoothness. Notes of chocolate and caramel mingle with a cereal malt flavor contributed by additions of malted wheat. Other Northwest examples of this classic German style are rare and few. Certainly none are as tasty.
  • The Wenatchee River runs down from the mountains and through Leavenworth. On its way to town, it gives kayakers the barreling ride of their lives through Tumwater Canyon. Heading out of town, it broadens a bit and becomes a river rafter's wonderland: Wild, wet, and fun. As you slip into the river leaving Leavenworth, keep an eye downstream. That first white water? That's Boulder Bend. Prepare for a whole new kind of liquid refreshment...
  • Fish Brewing Company, Olympia, WA; www.leavenworthbiers.com

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Brewer's Exegesis

Boulder Bend Dunkelweizen is an exceptional creation. This is an unfiltered dark Hefeweizen, with a gently sweet character infusing its medium-bodied smoothness. Notes of chocolate and caramel mingle with a cereal malt flavor contributed by additions of malted wheat. Other Northwest examples of this classic German style are rare and few. Certainly none are as tasty.