Lonerider Addie's Revenge India Pale Ale (12 oz)

Lonerider Addie's Revenge India Pale Ale
From the "Can"
  • Ales For Outlaws
  • Revenge is the sweetest thing, especially when Addie gets to it. She represents our Outlawed Release IPA. An Abundance of citrusy hops make up the nose and flavor of this gold-colored ale, rounded out perfectly with pale vienna and crystal malts.
  • Outlawed Seasonal Release
  • Handcrafted
  • Lonerider Brewing Co., Raleigh, NC; loneriderbeer.com; @loneriderbeer

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Brewer's Exegesis

Revenge is the sweetest thing, especially when Addie gets to it. She represents our Outlawed Release IPA. An Abundance of citrusy hops make up the nose and flavor of this gold-colored ale, rounded out perfectly with pale vienna and crystal malts.